In your document list you can filter your documents by 'Status', among other things. Let's take a look at the different options.
To do
These documents are not yet 'Done'. These documents can also be recognized by the white or purple color code (line). So they don't have a green line.
This selection can be broader than what is on your to-do list. Documents with an invoice date older than the start date of your to-do list or, for example, documents that have been snoozed, ... are not on your list.
In review
You have already viewed these documents but have not yet finalized them and set them to 'done'.
You can recognize them by the purple line.
All documents that are marked as 'Done' or have been fully completed. You can recognize them by the green line.
Done by OkiOki
All documents that OkiOki herself has set to 'Done' without your intervention. You can also recognize them by the green line. If OkiOki e.g. herself can link a document to a transaction, it will set both to 'Done'.
Payment reminder set
Documents to which you have added a payment reminder.
Documents where the payment is overdue. These can be both purchase and sales invoices. You can also recognize this by the red label in which OkiOki indicates the overdue period.
You can combine this filter with the 'Document type' filter to, for example, only see overdue sales invoices. This combination also corresponds to the 'To receive' list that is accessible from your dashboard.
Documents you snoozed. As simple as that ;-)
Not sent to accountant
Documents that have not yet been sent to the accountant. You can conveniently combine this filter with the 'Date' filter to, for example, list all unsent documents from the past quarter.
Documents that are scheduled to be sent, but have not yet been sent, also appear in this selection.
Scheduled for sending to accountant
These documents are ready to be sent to your accountant. You can recognize them by the flashing 'plane' icon.
Sent to accountant
Documents that have already been sent to your accountant. You can recognize them by the 'airplane' icon.
Booked by accountant
Depending on the integration with the underlying accounting software at the accountancy, OkiOki can also display the booking status of the document in the accounting software. You can use this to filter booked documents.
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