When you log in to OkiOki we perform several security checks, e.g. verify your credentials. One of the checks is built in is a "time"-based verification between your device and our application. We have observed several cases where the clock of the device of a user was wrong. In that case our time-based check will retry, causing the application to wait.
So if you are not able to log in to OkiOki because after log in the application appears to "load" forever. This problem is potentially due to the difference between the clock on your device and the time on our server.
If this happens, do the following:
- Close the browser that is loading OkiOki
- Verify whether your clock is running correct via: https://time.is/
- If the clock is correct, retry starting OkiOki
- If it still fails, send a message to support@okioki.be to notify us of the problem.
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