Unmatched documents and transactions are put on your to do list. There are several reasons why a match might not be possible and why OkiOki will need your help.
A document is missing
- You received it on paper and haven't scanned it yet. Restaurant receipts or parking tickets are a good example here. And if you still receive invoices on paper, then it might be time to ask your supplier to send them by email. By the way, our how-to videos on YouTube might be able to help you to receive your invoice in your mailbox.
- The expense is not related to your business and you don't need the invoice or receipt in your administration. In that you case you need to let OkiOki know that the corresponding transaction was a private expense. Your accountant will book this transaction on your drawings account.
- The transactions does not require a document, e.g. a bank costs/interest or cash withdrawal/deposit. OkiOki will filter those out as much as possible but in case she couldn't, you just need to let her know that it's this kind of transaction.
- You lost the document, which you can also indicate.
A transaction is missing
- The invoice is not paid yet. OkiOki will allow you to set a payment reminder. Customers of the Belgian banks Belfius, KBC, ING, BNPPF and Fintro can now also pay their purchase invoices in OkiOki by simply scanning the QR code.
- The expense is not paid through your business bank account. In case you have paid it with private money (cash or through a personal bank account), you'll mark it as 'Paid with private money' and your accountant will book this expense on your drawings account.
- The expense is paid with cash coming from your business account. Cash you have withdrawn from the bank or that you have received from clients. In that case OkiOki will also not be able to find a transaction and you will have to let OkiOki know that is was paid with cash.
- The document is not an invoice or receipt but still, you would like to keep and archive that doc in your financial administration. Think about contracts, (personal) tax documents... Just mark them as "No invoice or receipt".
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