American Express credit cards are currently not supported by OkiOki.
You can always upload the credit card statement in OkiOki. However, the different items on the credit card statement will not be read as separate transactions.
Furthermore, you can add an “amex” or “american express” tag to every document that was paid for with American Express. After adding the tag, you can also mark the document as “done” so that they disappear from your to-do list. This way, your accountant also knows that the document in question was paid for with American Express.
You can also link the corresponding invoices or receipts to the credit card statement in the same booking. The credit card settlement transaction can also be linked in the same booking. This way you have the expenditure statement, the associated invoices or receipts and the transaction neatly together.
You can read how to link multiple documents and transactions together in the article below:
Can I link multiple transactions and documents together? – OkiOki
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