The expenses you make with your credit card do not appear on your current account. Only the amount corresponding to the monthly statement of your credit card -the total shown on your monthly statement- appears as a bank transaction. This makes it difficult for you and your accountant to substantiate your credit card expenditure with the necessary documents. You always have to take your statement and go through all the transactions listed one by one and match them with the documents you may or may not have found. But OkiOki can help you with that too!
OkiOki offers a unique solution: When you provide OkiOki with your expenditure statement, she reads all the expenditure lines and translates them into separate transactions. This means that OkiOki makes sure that these credit card transactions appear as separate transactions in OkiOki.
Useful to have an overview of all your actual expenses, a service that your own bank does not even offer you today. But it is even more convenient because OkiOki can then search for all the documents belonging to your credit card expenses. And so you and your accountant can rest assured that every expense is accompanied by the correct document.
How do I submit my credit card statement to OkiOki?
To add your credit card statement to OkiOki, follow these steps:
- Go to your menu and select "Upload document" under "Documents"
- In your documents, choose the scan of the statement or the PDF you received from the bank.
- Add your document. OkiOki will now process your expense report. This may take a few minutes as she will read your document.
- Afterwards OkiOki will link the transactions of your expense report to the corresponding documents. If she needs your help, she will let you know via your to-do list.
Important: If you receive your statement on paper, make sure you get a good quality scan. The reading of the different lines requires that the document is perfectly straight on the scan. Also make sure that you scan all pages of your statement for the most correct result.
Consulting your credit card expenses
Bank accounts & cards
As soon as you submit your first expense report to OkiOki, she creates a separate account for your credit card in the "Accounts & cards" screen. So, in addition to all your bank accounts, you can also consult a unique 'account' for your credit card.
Overview per credit card
This screen gives you a practical comparison of your expenses per month in a graph. Below it, all your statements for that particular credit card are listed.
For each statement of expenditure, you will immediately receive a brief summary with
- The period
- The card number and the name of the cardholder
- The total amount
- The number of transactions
- An indication if OkiOki suspects that the data from the expense report has not been read 100% correctly
- An image of your expense report and the number of pages
Detail of an expense report
For each expense report, we show you
- the individual transactions
- the monthly transaction of the statement
- the accompanying documents
Each transaction is clickable and leads to a booking detail where you can find the corresponding document and add metadata like comments and tags, just like with 'normal' bank transactions.
If we suspect that the data of the statement were not read 100% correctly, we also indicate this in the detail and give you the opportunity to upload a new version of the statement. Read more about this in 'What if my expense report has not been read 100% correctly?
Also, be sure to check out this article explaining what to do with documents on your to-do list that were paid for by credit card.
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