When you register with OkiOki, you have to accept the privacy policy and terms of use. These explain in detail which data OkiOki processes and how we process it. On this page you will find more information about how we guarantee the privacy and security of your data. We have set up OkiOki in line with the latest security standards and comply with all rules and regulations concerning data protection and secure customer authentication.
Important to know is that OkiOki only keeps the data from the linked mailbox that relates to your invoices. OkiOki will never retain any other data, nor will it ever put emails on read, archive e-mails, delete them etc.
If for any reason you still do not want to link your mailbox to OkiOki, there are 2 alternative solutions:
- You can set up a separate mailbox for your administration (e.g. administration@mycompany.com), where you send all your invoice emails. Then you can link this mailbox, so that OkiOki can only read these e-mails.
- You can monitor the emails in your mailbox yourself and forward relevant emails for your administration to your OkiOki email address. OkiOki will then still download the PDFs behind the download links or save the mail invoices themselves.
More information on how to link your mailbox with OkiOki.
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