- Automatic collection of invoices
- Connecting banks, mailboxes and cloud storage
- Documents, transactions & bookings
- Invoicing
- Paying invoices
- Contacts
- Credit cards
- Todo list
- Insights
- Notifications
- Accountancy portal
- UBL file transfer
- Copywriting & design
Automatic collection of invoices
New features
- OkiOki now also automatically downloads the invoices from EV Point (https://ev-point.be/).
- OkiOki now automatically downloads the invoices linked to in the Koalaboox emails.
- OkiOki now automatically downloads the invoices that are linked via a my.sharepoint.com link.
- You can configure the supplier connection for Securex.
Improvements & fixes
- We fixed an error in downloading the CCV invoices.
Connecting banks, mailboxes and cloud storage
New features
- You can now connect your Wise bank account to OkiOki.
- You can manually sync your e-mail, bank, cloud and supplier connections via the Connections menu
- OkiOki now also processes ZIP files she find in your connected cloud storage folders.
Improvements & fixes
- Connecting a bank account takes less time now as we don't keep you waiting anymore till all transactions are synced.
- When you want to link a cloud storage folder, we now show a scrim while waiting for the storage service website to load. This way we prevent you to click twice on the cloud storage button.
- We now set the connection port for IMAP mailbox connections to the standard value 993.
Documents, transactions & bookings
New features
- When OkiOki thinks their is still a document or transaction missing in a booking, because the total amount of documents and the total amount of transactions don't match, she will indicate this with a message on top of the booking.
- You can now upload ZIP files to OkiOki.
- You can now drag & drop documents in the 'Add documents' pane.
- You can now filter documents that have a comment.
- OkiOki now automatically updates the document type from 'Unknown' to 'Purchase invoice' or 'Sales invoice'. When OkiOki can't recognize the document type, she sets the type to 'Unknown'. When you manually link a transaction to this document and you complete the booking, then she will update the document type. She will set it to 'Purchase invoice' when the transaction amount is negative and to 'Sales invoice' when the amount is positive.
- You can now manually upload XML invoices (UBL) in OkiOki. Note that when you upload an XML invoice together with other invoices, the split & merge functionality can not be activated as XML files can not be splitted or merged.
- You can now see how a document arrived in OkiOki.
In the document detail data, the source of the document is mentioned. Uploaded by the user, found in the mailbox, sent to the OkiOki email address, …" - You can now also upload HEIC files (Apple image format).
- OkiOki now detects recurring transactions and suggests to automate them with a notification on the dashboard and todo list
- OkiOki will automatically link a credit note with the sales invoice it was created from.
- When you manually link a document with a transaction and the counterparties have a different name, then OkiOki will now remember those names as aliases. The next time she finds a similar document she will also look at transaction with the alias counterparty name for auto-matching.
- You can now search for strings between double quotes.
Improvements & fixes
- We now allow you to choose a due date in the past via the quick edit forms.
- We improved the representation and auto-updating behaviour of invoice amounts in the document detail and in the 'To pay' list.
- You can now zoom & pan in the document preview when searching for a matching transaction.
- The excel file companying your archive download now contains the document amounts including and excluding VAT.
- When adding a transaction or document to a booking and you search by keyword, the suggestions items are now also omitted from the search results if they don't match the criteria.
- When you enter a comment and forget to click the 'Add' button, OkiOki will save your comment anyway when you save or complete the booking. If you would just navigate away from the page, OkiOki will give you a gentle warning.
- Sorting invoices by invoice number is optimized.
- The download confirmation popup message now does not close automatically so you have the time to read the message and close the popup yourself.
- When OkiOki finds a matching transaction for a document based on the structured reference, but the amounts don't match (in case of a partial payment e.g.) then OkiOki will no longer auto-complete this booking. This way you stay aware that there is still an amount missing and you can remind your client.
- When you split & merge documents and you would leave the page without saving your action, you now get a warning.
- In the document list you can now also get credit card statements as a result of a keyword search. You can search e.g. on the card holder's name, the bank account number or the statement amounts.
- When a credit note and invoice are linked and the amounts match, you can now mark the booking as 'complete'.
- For each comment added to a booking there's a user name mentioned. This user name is now the name of the user that added the comment, not the logged in user.
- When you perform a multi-select action, you now get a feedback message showing the process is ongoing.
- When you remove the last/unique document from a booking the booking is now also removed.
- The popup message indicating that we noticed you manually linked a document and transaction with different amount (probably a cash dicount was applied), was also shown in case of identical amount. We fixed this.
- Some type of TIFF image files were not recognized by OkiOki. We fixed this now.
- Contact details of a counterparty are not mandatory fields for an incoming invoice.
- When documents have an amount in non-EURO currency, the amounts are now totalled correctly.
- We corrected a faulty scrolling behaviour in the 'Find transactions' pane.
- Change document type on multiple documents at the same time (multi-select) is blocked when some of the selected documents are created with OkiOki (offes, invoices, credit notes).
- When you snoozed a document you can now still indicate that he document is paid by credit card.
- When you update the due date in a document detail, the overdue badge is now also automatically updated.
- When OkiOki classifies a document as a 'receipt' it is considered paid and it will not appear in the 'To Pay' or 'To Receive' lists.
- OkiOki now remembers the filters applied to a list when clicking from that filtered list to a booking and coming back to the list.
- When setting the start date for a custom date range filter you could not choose an end date that comes after the start date. This is now fixed.
New features
- You can now add commercial discounts to the invoice lines of your sales invoices.
- You can create sales invoices that have a cash discount, when paid within a specific timeframe.
- You can add you phone number(s) to your sales invoices by adding them to your company data
- You can easily send a payment reminder for a sales invoice. Using the overflow menu on the Sales invoices list. This includes reminders for sales invoices you did not create in OkiOki.
- You can set a due date on offers to indicate the validity period of the offer.
Improvements & fixes
- When checking the "This is a subtitle" checkbox in the sales invoice flow, all invoice line fields now are disabled.
- We removed the mention 'VAT number' from sales invoices when the entrepreneur is exempt from VAT.
- When OkiOki suggests invoice lines, she will only take into acocunt the last version of an invoice line, instead of all versions of that same line.
- When you try to create a sales invoice with a number that is already used by another invoice, you now get a proper error message: This document number is already used. Please update the number for this document to the next available number ({{NextAvailableNumber}})
- When you add an invoice line with an amount incl. VAT in an invoice with only amounts excl. VAT, we now calculate the amount incl. VAT to excl. VAT and insert the amount excl. VAT.
In the 'Select contact' step of the sales invoice creation process, you now don't have to wait until the list of 'Recent contacts' is loaded in order to select a contact. - You can now also select the current day as the delivery date for an invoice line.
- You can now delete your previously uploaded sales conditions document in the ‘Invoicing settings'.
- Sales invoices that have a negative total amount display now the amount in red and with a minus sign.
- When creating a new document, you can now also choose the option 'Offer'.
- You can now set a delivery date in the future for item on offers.
- You can now set the default thank you message for your sales invoices also in French and English.
- When the name of the counter party is too long the address was not shown on the invoice. This is now fixed.
Paying invoices
Improvements & fixes
- When you get a cash discount from your suppliers, you can now see the discounted amount in the payment details.
- When you copy the structured reference from the document payment details, then we now omit the +++ signs. These +++ signs are often already pre-filled in the banking app and this way we avoid double signs.
- OkiOki now auto-updates the amount to pay of an invoice when you change the amount incl. VAT, in case both amounts are identical.
New features
- We created a new design for the contact detail page including new contact data fields and a quick edit functionality.
- You can now create your own contacts from the contacts overview page.
Till now you could only create contacts via the sales invoices flow. Or OkiOki creates the contacts automatically based on the contact details she finds in a document. Now you can also start creating contacts via the 'New' button in the contacts overview page. - You can supplement the contact details of a counterparty with their telephone numbers.
- You can now indicate in the contact detail that the contact grants you a cash discount. This way OkiOki can take into account the cash discount when auto-matching documents with transactions.
Improvements & fixes
- We show a loading indicator after you added a VAT number to an existing contact. This in order to avoid that you start editing data while OkiOki is still retrieving data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.
Credit cards
New features
- We improved the credit card statement 'edit' screen. You can edit the foreign currency and the foreign currency amount. You can edit the start and end balance. And you can see the calculated total of all transaction which allows you to doublecheck this with the OCR'd total amount of the statement.
Improvements & fixes
- We made the copy asking for your credit card statement (for credit card settlement transactions) more explicit. In the previous copy it was'n tvery clear that you were asked to upload your credit card statement.
- When a credit card is processed we now also automatically load the new credit card transactions in the todo and transaction lists.
- On credit card transactions we showed both the EUR and € notations. We now only use the EUR notation.
- We fixed an error with extracting the date range of Beobank credit card statements.
Todo list
New features
- On your todo list you can now mark multiple transactions at the same time as a 'Private expense'.
- You now can snooze a document till its due date.
- You can now snooze multiple todo's at the same time.
- You can now also split documents directly from the todo list.
Improvements & fixes
- You can now complete a booking without tag or comment in a 'Delivery only' subscription.
- We fixed a behaviour where transaction todos were changing height while being hovered.
- If you change the document or transaction type from within the todo list, this change is now immediately reflected in the item card.
New features
- When there is a sync error for one of your connections, we now also show that error on your dashboard.
- We now forecast how much your next credit card settlement transaction will be. Therefore we base ourselves on the documents paid with credit card received during the current credit card month.
- Your OkiOki dashboard now also show how you are performing cash wise.
- You can now easily manage the tags you use in OkiOki via the tag management page.
Improvements & fixes
- When on a smaller screen the filter panel is now also hidden in the 'To receive' and 'To pay' lists.
New features
- You can now opt for other notification timings than 'Weekly' only. We now also offer 'Never', 'Monthly' and 'Quarterly' as options.
Accountancy portal
New features
- As an accountant you can now also search your clients in the 'Active/Inactive clients' list by VAT number.
- As an accountant you can now also see the account settings of your clients, even if they are self-paying clients.
- Clients stuck in the onboarding process
As an accountant you can now see on your dashboard if there are any clients stuck in their onboarding process. Clicking the number leads you to the ‘Inactive clients' list filter on status 'Not onboarded'. - As an accountant you can now filter inactive clients on 'Onboarding started'.
- In the 'Active clients' list in the accountancy portal you can now easily see for which clients no UBL or CODA+ transfer settings are configured.
Improvements & fixes
- In the accountancy portal we prefill VAT numbers only with the prefix BE instead of BE0 as you can also add VAT numbers starting with BE1.
- When an API connection has no name, then we don't show the value '- null' in the connection name dropdown.
- In the profile page we now remove leading spaces and leading whitespace characters, when validating the form.
- When you connect the the Exact Online API to your accountancy portal, the dropdown with available divisions is now sort alphabetically.
- When an accountant adds a new administration to the portal then OkiOki double checks if the email address of the administration user is an email address of the accountancy itself. This way we check with the accountant if this is a deliberate choice or not. The acocunt can choose to ignore the warning and proceed.
- In the 'Active clients' list in the accountancy portal we moved the 'action' buttons closer to the administration names so it's easier for an accountant so see which action buttons belong to which administration.
- If an accountant opts for a personal branded skinning of his OkiOki app, then now also the accountancy portal has this skining.
- When as an accountant you enter an IBAN on a profile page ('Internal' or 'Only delivery' administrations) and forget to click the 'Add' button, OkiOki will save the IBAN anyway.
- In the administration profile, as an accountant you now only see the CODA+ transfer options which are also configured in your general settings page.
- When a subscription switches from accountant A to accountant B it now inherits the transfer settings for UBL's from accountant B and clears the transfer settings for CODA+.
- When an accountant links a self paying entrepreneur to his portal and there are no groups defined in the portal, then the accountant could not select a group. Now the accountant can select the group 'Everyone'.
- When a self paying entrepreneur's account is linked to an accountancy portal we now recover the transfer to account settings when the setting is of type 'Email'.
- The subscription plan is now shown correctly in the profile page in the accountancy portal.
- In the 'Inactive clients' list in the accountancy portal we corrected the sorting by 'Invite date'.
- As an accountant you can now select the relevant group(s) when inviting the user that already has an account.
UBL file transfer
New features
- As an accountant you can now force OkiOki to send sales invoices only in the correct invoice number order. So the invoice 2023-003 will never be sent to the accountant before invoices 2023-001 and 2023-002 are also sent.
- As an accountant you can now choose to receive the original UBL (as OkiOki received it herself) instead of having the UBL converted by OkiOki.
- Manually send invoices to your accountant
You can now select one or multiple documents and click the 'Send to accountant' icon in the multi-select action bar to force send this document at that very moment to your accountant. You can also force send docs to your account via the 'Send' button in the document detail and via the page 'Not sent to accountant'. Note that OkiOki automatically sends your documents to your accountant if you or your accountant have configured this under the menu 'Connections > Accountant'. - As an accountant you can now choose not to receive VAT information in the UBL of receipts. The VAT information remains available in OkiOki but is not transfered to the accountancy software.
- As an accountant you can now choose to receive the green meta-bar on top of the PDF instead of at the bottom. This is particularly handy for Octopus users as Octopus already puts its own numbering in the bottom of these documents.
- As an accountant you can now choose to have documents sent to you only when you explicitly clicked on 'Send to accountant'. OkiOki will in this case never automatically send documents to you.
Improvements & fixes
- We do not send exports of bank transactions in .CSV format to the accountancy anymore.
- For Exact Online administrations we now add the invoice number to the 'InstructionNote' field in the UBL. This way the invoice number will also be visible in the 'Description' field in Exact Online.
- We reduced the file size of PDF documentes included in the UBL.
- When you filter the documents on the "Not sent to your accountant"-page we now only send the filtered documents and not all documents.
- When an entrepreneur has a 'Delivery only' subscription and a sales invoice is found in the mailbox, it is now send immediately to the account when the this transfer timings are set to 'As soon as possible'.
New features
- As an accountant you can now see for transactions with transaction costs, the transaction cost mentioned separately in the CODA+ PDF file.
- As an accountant you can now opt to receive the CODA+ files for your clients in 1 single folder per client. This is particularly handy for BOB50 users.
Improvements & fixes
- We improved the formatting of CODA+ data for reconciliating terminal transactions in Adsolut.
- We added the transaction costs of Paynovate transactions to the CODA+ files.
- We corrected the date of the opening balance of the first transaction of the first CODA+ file. Apparently it was always set to 01/01/001 and the Winbooks software complained about that.
- We improved the layout of the CODA+ file in the case where no counterparty data was found for any of the transactions of that CODA+ file.
- As an accountant the PDF file with CODA+ information is now visible in Exact Online
Copywriting & design
Improvements & fixes
- We changed the copy in French from ‘Nom d'utilisateur' to 'Adresse e-mail‘ as this was confusing. User tend to fill out their name instead of their e-mail address.
- We changed the copy "This is a general message" into "This is a subtitle" for clarity.
- We made all amount formating in the English langauage (en-BE) consistent.
- When you have multiple OkiOki accounts and click on a 'Download archive' link in the 'Your download is ready' email, but are logged in into the wrong account, you now get a decent error.
- In the document transfer settings of an administration we replaced the copy 'Manual' by 'None' to indicate that no transfer is configured yet.
- We optimized the copy and order of the 'Group by' filter options.
- Alignment of hoover actions of 'Add documents'/'Add transaction' buttons are corrected.
- We improved the line height of the copy in the multi-select action bar.
- IBM Plex Sans is now the standard font in the accountancy portal.
- The call-to-action in the 'toaster'is now also translated.
- We added missing translations in the 'Payment details' step of the onboarding process.
OkiOki will clearly indicate that a specific action will also trigger the sending of the document to the accountant - We corrected the height of the 'Send now' button in the credit card detail.
- The duration of the upload spinner is adapted to the filesize of the uploaded file
- We created French versions of the Stripe invoicing emails.
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